The Beauty in Growing

Most often than not, the things that we see affect our moods and perspectives.  When our surroundings are pleasantly in order there is a sense of calmness but if it is in disarray there’s a feeling of confusion and agitation.  Although, admittedly, each of us has different viewpoints of the words, pleasant, order and disarray, still the concept applies.

A thing of beauty is a joy forever: Its loveliness increases; it will never Pass into nothingness;

John Keats

My opinion of his idea is, no matter what happens, no matter what darkness or gloomy days we encounter, if we behold our perception of beauty then it will give us joy.  Having experienced that joy in the midst of the reality of, say a pandemic, like we are experiencing right now, increases the value of that loveliness we encounter.  It will always hold something of value for us and will never fade into nothingness.

Good medicine

So what does it matter if we are surrounded with something that gives us joy?  There is a saying that goes: “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

Surrounding ourselves with something that gives us joy will likely keep us healthy, may the source be physical or a chemical reaction to something good in the air, the outcome is positive and beneficial to us.

Nowadays, I find myself always surrounded by something that gives me joy.  My visually pleasing plants are some of the things of beauty that I consider a joy forever.  Tending them challenges me yet gives off a sense of calmness.  They most certainly provide a type of “good medicine” since studies say that they have great benefits for us.

Here are some of the natural air purifier plants that can filter carbon dioxide, others carbon monoxide, some even release oxygen during the night and the volatile organic pollutants that they can remove.

Being physically healthy could certainly contribute to our moods and overall well being.  One way of having it is by breathing clean air.  And during this pandemic, we know that you can never be too clean.

Now, this is only a  few of the many reasons and benefits of having healthy plants in our homes.  You probably know more and I would like to encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences on this.

Beauty, our perception of it, could give us joy and joy in turn could help us healthwise.  

Growing these beauties, our living gifts for you surely gives us joy and I hope it’s the same with you!